Fee Debits and Credits


Dealer Processing:

For all New or Used Vehicle Sales (Dealers)

A dealer has 10-calendar days to enter the transaction from the Purchase Date.  If you wait until the 10th day, the Title will be automatically produced the next day.   

The dealer’s account will be debited for the fees, 10 days after the Purchase Date.

Deposit date to Pennsylvania DOT is 20 days from the Purchase Date.

Title Release Date is a maximum of 5 days from the Process Date (i.e., the date the transaction is finalized and Completed).  

Vehicle Renewal Transactions - (Dealers)

Deposit date to Pennsylvania DOT is 2 days from the Process Date.

Since a title is not produced, the title release date will be the Process Date.  


Messenger Processing:

For All Used Vehicle Sales

Deposit date to Pennsylvania DOT is 10 days from the Process Date.

Title release date is 2 days from the Process Date.


Deposit Date:

If the deposit date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the previous business deposit date will be used.  This is normally Friday unless it was declared a state holiday.  In that case, the deposit day would be Thursday.

If the deposit date falls on a day that is declared a state holiday, the previous business deposit date will be used.  For example, if the holiday falls on a Monday, then the deposit day will be the Friday before the holiday.




Next Topic: Reprint, Correction, Backout, and Recover