Inquiries may be performed on either a PA license Plate, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), or Title #.
Inquiries can only be performed using one search criteria.
Click any data field for an explanation of its function and purpose.
Required fields will appear in yellow, and will turn white when completed. If the data field is an optional part of the processing, the entry area will be white.
You can narrow the search by providing Owner information with a Plate Number or the First 2-characters of the Owner’s Last Name with a Title Number.
To obtain a printed copy
of the inquiry for Lien Verification, you must check the Print Inquiry box.
Note: There is a PennDOT fee associated with the printed Lien Verification.
When you are ready to submit
the inquiry request, click the Transmit button and the communications
send the request to PennDOT.
Next Topic: Title and Registration Processing